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Conflict management in the family field and in other close relationships

Mediation as a Way Forward

Conflict management in the family field and in other close relationships

Mediation as a Way Forward
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Forlagsbeskrivelse af Conflict Management in the Familiy Field and other close relationships af Pia Deleuran ed.

The ideas and ethos of mediation and different techniques used in mediation have gradually become better known and more highly valued in the legal system. Many professionals worldwide find that mediation's benefits - both for society as a whole and for those unable to resolve their disputes on their own - are huge. This can lead them to try to convince others that many creative opportunities are lost if mediation is not considered as an appropriate means of dispute resolution. Voluntary participation remains, however, one of the cornerstones of the mediation process. It creates a special dynamic in enabling people to recognize and take up the opportunities that mediation offers to them. This book is therefore a collection of texts from experts working in many different fields and in different countries around the world: Australia, U.K., US and Denmark. This sharing of experience and insight helps us all to reflect ion ways of improving systems currently in operation in our respective countries. The book is published with financial support from Margot and Thorvald Dreyers Fond. Contents Outlining the Idea of the Book by attourney and mediator Pia Deleuran Foreword by president of the Danish Family Lawyers, attourney and mediator Anja Cordes Chapter 1. '(Naughty) Departures': Expertise, Orthodoxy and the Role of Theory in the Practice of Mediation by mediator Barbara Wilson Chapter 2. Guerilla Mediation: The Use of Warfare Strategies in the Management of Conflict by mediator Robert Benjamin Chapter 3. Managing Courtroom Communication: Reflections of an Observer by mediator, facilitator and judicial educator Joanna Kalowski Chapter 4. Mediating High Conflict Couples by mediator Henry Brown Chapter 5. Family Mediation and Children by mediator Lisa Parkinson Chapter 6. Family Violence and Family Mediation in Australia by mediator Dale Bagshaw Chapter 7. Mediation as a Process for Healing by mediator Greg Rooney Chapter 8. Neighbour War and Peace on Danish TV by journalist Camilla Emborg Chapter 9. Interview with Fay Weldon about Sex and Gender Issues in Conflict Situations by journalist Sabrine Mønsted Chapter 10. Negotiation Styles and Strategies: The Influence from Sex and Gender Dynamics by lawyer Tina Bolbjerg Winther-Nielsen Chapter 11. Silencing the Self: Inner Dialogues and Outer Realities by psychologist Dana Crowley Jack List of Authors Mediation as a Way Forward This anthology is one out of four books in the Danish project "Mediation as a Way Forward" (Mediation som mulighed). The other three books are mainly in Danish and cover the subjects of: The role of the lawyer in mediation: Partsadvokatens rolle Mediation in the IT-field: Konflikthåndtering i IT projekter Mediation in cases about real estate and in the construction field: Konflikthåndtering af sager om fast ejendom og byggeri


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