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How To Be Your Own Therapist Boost Your Mood and Reduce Your Anxiety In 10 Minutes A Day

Smart, short techniques throughout the day can form a healthier perspective Smart, short techniques throughout the day can form a healthier perspective‘Truly empowering – a book for everyone. It will ...


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Forlagsbeskrivelse af How To Be Your Own Therapist Boost Your Mood And Reduce Your Anxiety In 10 Minutes A Day af Owen O’Kane

Smart, short techniques throughout the day can form a healthier perspective Smart, short techniques throughout the day can form a healthier perspective‘Truly empowering – a book for everyone. It will help you figure out life.’Fearne CottonAll the benefits of therapy – 10 minutes at a timeLet Owen O’Kane, psychotherapist, former NHS Clinical Lead and Sunday Times bestselling author of TEN TO ZEN, show you how anyone can use simple, understandable techniques to unlock better mental health.Modern life is a minefield for stress. Whether it’s juggling work, relationships or money, we often struggle to make time for ourselves and can find ourselves stuck in a rut with bad habits or worries.In HOW TO BE YOUR OWN THERAPIST, Owen O’Kane reveals how smart, short techniques throughout the day can form healthier perspectives and let you ditch harmful thought patterns.Using the latest evidence-based tools and techniques from across a range of therapies including CBT, mindfulness and interpersonal therapy, Owen provides empowering solutions to managing what keeps you stuck so you can move forward.Teaching you the key fundamentals of therapy and how to apply these to your own life, alongside targeted tasks that take just 10 minutes a day, this is the practical therapy book for anyone who wants to get the best from their life and to manage better in tough times.‘Owen is bringing much needed therapy to all of us. He brings down the stigma attached to being vulnerable and is making talking about mental health approachable for everyone. His book is brilliant and I highly recommend.’ Dr Rupy Aujla, MBBS, BSc, MRCGP The Doctor’s Kitchen‘Anyone looking to understand how therapy can help them help themselves, should look no further than Owen’s humorous and empowering book.’ Benedict Cumberbatch


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